Yahoo Blueprint

Yahoo DSP
Yahoo DSP, Powered by Yahoo Blueprint is the AI engine guiding performance throughout the Yahoo DSP with 570 DSP & AI U.S. patents. 335M authenticated users. 20+ years of AI experience. 2T+ bids processed daily. 1M+ data signals powering AI algorithms.

The AI engine that guides performance throughout the Yahoo DSP.

Our AI engine, powered by consent-based data from 335 million logged-in global users and over 20 years of AI innovation, enables trusted, high-performing AI models. These models deliver solutions that help our advertisers achieve their goals with transparency and simplify their lives.

Yahoo DSP Powered by Yahoo Blueprint. Plan with omniscrope and audience insights. Activate with Bidder, predictive audiences and goal types. Optimize with DSP Dashboard, creative optimization and recommendations

Superior Data, Advanced AI, Optimal Solutions

Yahoo Blueprint is always on, optimizing the entire campaign lifecycle and  From accurate forecasting to creative optimization, AI provides guidance through data-driven insights and automation, giving you control when you want it.

Optimize productivity

with data-driven guidance and faster workflows, as Yahoo Blueprint manages campaign complexity, saving you time.

Maximize efficiency

through smarter ad buying, ensuring you pay the right price for the most valuable impressions at the right time.

Optimal performance

through AI-enhanced optimization ensures superior outcomes while providing campaign transparency, empowering you to fine-tune your campaigns.

Introducing Yahoo Blueprint

The next-level evolution of our AI engine, Yahoo Blueprint Performance, unlocks an enhanced, cutting-edge AI model and advanced AI-powered features that deliver greater efficiency and superior performance while maintaining transparency.

Streaming brand


More impressions for display campaigns.

Source: Yahoo internal data, Q2 2024

Auto brand


Lower CPC for display campaigns.

Source: Yahoo internal data, Q2 2024

Insurance brand


Average decrease in cost per quote start for CTV, streaming and online video campaigns.

Source: Yahoo internal data, Q2 2024

See announcement

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